Session Outline
Marks & Spencer is a 138-year old company that now moves at the speed of a startup. This new iterative, ambitious approach to innovation is driving new areas of revenue growth, personalization, and digital transformation. To support these ambitious business goals, Marks & Spencer has adopted a non-invasive approach to data governance that directly maps to company objectives and makes everyone responsible for accurate, well-governed data use — rather than relying on top-down controls and restrictions. Underlying this approach to data governance is the Alation Data Catalog, a key component to curating the content of data, creating a shared understanding of what the data means, and fostering a virtuous cycle that rewards adoption with tangible benefits, whether the user is a data engineer, data scientist, or analyst. Find out how Marks & Spencers is employing a non-invasive approach to data governance, underpinned by the Alation Data Catalog, to drive business results (rather than impeding them).
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