2023 was a year of dynamic stream of innovation, reshaping the way organizations leverage analytics and business intelligence (BI).
Category - BI
Integrated Data Architecture for 360 BI, Analytics & Data Science – Interview with Alessandro Pregnolato, Preply
n this interview, he guides us through this company's journey in building its data architecture.
Successful Analytics Projects with International Collaboration – Interview with Bjorn Nylander, Rebtech
Video interview with Bjorn Nylander from Rebtech, a Business Intelligence Consulting company & exhibitor at the Data Innovation Summit 2023.
Solving Business Challenges with Data Warehouse Automation Tool: Interview with Terje Vatle
Excel sheets, a business intelligence tool and no data warehouse. When is a data warehouse typically introduced in an organization?
Why Real-Time Data Matters to the Maritime Industry
Over 90% of world trade is in the hands of the international maritime shipping industry. Every year, it moves more than USD 4 trillion of goods. For shipping companies, there’s a lot of pressure to remain on schedule...
Things no one tells you about becoming data-driven
To date, every company, no matter big or small, or the industry it operates in, knows that the only way forward is to become data-driven. Mining, analysing and deriving insights out of the fundamental asset is key for...
Going from passive to active analytics that compels action and engagement: Active intelligence
There is a new concept in the data analytics market that introduces the vital continuous flow of intelligence and action, based on real-time, up-to-date information and is designed to compel, to trigger action and...
Revolutionary automotive companies at DIS 2020: Volkswagen, Volvo, Scania, GM, F1
Our cars are not just transportation means. The cars and trucks in the digital era are real data platforms producing and collecting huge amounts of raw data that leading automotive manufacturers and car racing brands...
The Data Innovation Summit: 5 years of data and analytics journey (2017)
The previous The Data Innovation Summit: 5 years of data and analytics journey series was dedicated to practical case studies on "how" and real examples of putting data innovation into practice of the Data Innovation...
How the COVID-19 crisis is affecting the BI and Analytics landscape: Interview with Dan Sommer
To discover how the current situation affects the BI and analytics field precisely, we again invited Dan Sommer, Senior Director, Global Market Intelligence Lead at Qlik, and former Research Director at Gartner, to...