
From Traditional Data Warehouse to Holistic Data Integration and Faster Data Delivery – Dagfinn Røed, SpareBank 1 Forsikring 


Session Outline
The increasing regulations in the Financial Services (FS) industry have increased the reporting and analytics obligations for the FS institutions to various internal and external stakeholders. Availability of the right data, in the right form, is key to meeting these obligations, but is also necessary to create a competitive advantage in the form of streamlined processes and increased earnings. However, despite the explosion of data in the last few years, it remains elusive to use this data meaningfully to achieve the required goals. The heterogeneous nature of data and the data silos across the organization hampers the ability to integrate, process, and deliver the data to data consumers in a managed and governed way. In this session, Dagfinn will walk us through his journey of the last few years of overhauling data architecture at SpareBank 1 using data virtualization to enable the organization to tap into maximum data sources efficiently and provide data at a faster speed to enable many modern use cases including the Anti Money laundering (AML)use case.

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