
End-to-end NLP models to get insights from the employee feedbacks continuously – Büşra Çıkla, ING


Session Outline

Natural Language Processing (NLP), an ever-growing interest area in the analytics community, creates big impacts on HR/People Analytics domain. It enables transformation of unstructured data into valuable insights with greater operational speed and accuracy to support organizational decision mechanism. During my talk, I will address NLP use cases in HR field and how to build end-to-end NLP models (topic and sentiment model) on survey data to get insights from the employee feedbacks continuously by touching on each stage of model life cycle.

Key Takeaways

  • NLP business use cases in People Analytics at ING
  • Deep dive topic and sentiment model on survey data
  • Full life cycle stages of the NLP models (including data ingestion, model development, deployment, monitoring and validation)

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