
Content digest #11

Hyperight Read

Democratizing Data Science in an Airline – How Emirates Does It

We’ve heard before about the data democratization of organisations. But what does that mean for the airline industry, and what can foster the process? This past March, in Dubai, during the Data Innovation Summit for the Middle East and Asia (MEA) region, we had a unique opportunity to listen to how Emirates approached and is developing data democratization.

emirates airplane parked airport

Full Life Cycle of NLP Models

If you have a business use-case where you need to build an NLP model, how would you start and end the lifecycle of the model? This article gives a general sense of all stages of the full life cycle of models and the main takeaways from what ING experienced during their journey.

NLP models NPA summit

Algorithmic Risk Management: A Framework for Identifying, Assessing, Controlling, and Mitigating Risks in AI Development and Operations

Many large organizations are investing heavily in research and development on AI Risk Management. The key issue is that risk is a very broad concept. Therefore, Algorithmic Risk Management as a unified concept is not very well understood in the industry. 

open laptop

Talent Intelligence – Using Market & Competitor Data to Inform Talent Strategy: Interview With Sam Fletcher

Talent Intelligence is an emerging field defined as applying external market data about skills and jobs to drive decision-making. On this topic, we had an opportunity to listen to more at this year’s Nordic People Analytics Summit. But you also have the privilege of getting familiar with the topic through the interview with Sam Fletcher, Head of Talent Intelligence at PayPal.  

Hyperight Recommendations


· The Data Detective: Ten Easy Rules to Make Sense of Statistics ·
· Designing Data-Intensive Applications ·
· Don’t Trust Your Gut: Using Data to Get What You Really Want in Life ·


Episode with Peter Sarlin, Co-founder and CEO of Silo AI
Episode with Robin Jeffner, Architect and founder of the Origo programme
Episode with Erik Peterson, Machine Learning Engineer at Swedbank
Episode with Helena Hörnebrant, Director of Operation and Transformation at Scania

Hyperight Attend

It is time to recognise and showcase some of the great work in data, analytics and AI being done across the Nordics. The Nordic Data & AI Readiness (DAIR) Awards acknowledge and celebrate exceptional individuals, teams and organisations fostering Talent, Driving Data and AI Innovation forward. Apply or nominate for the 2nd DAIR Awards here

This year’s edition of the Data Innovation Summit was fantastic. But, we have already started preparing the 2023 edition, scheduled for the 11th and 12th of May at the well-known location – Kistamässan, Stockholm. Follow for more updates here

Important News

The video presentations from our past events are on Hyperight.com. You can watch most of them with exclusive access to this never-before-seen content delivered by industry innovators. Explore how to get this Hyperight Premium access here

REMINDER: We need assistance from Data and Analytics professionals and leaders. We kindly ask you to fill the survey that will help us create an annual report to identify where organisations are in their data and analytics journey and where they see the most significant value from data and analytics. This survey takes about 10 minutes of your time to answer, and we are thankful for your dedication to this. Find the survey here

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