
Prepare for the digital present of workforce: Nordic People Analytics Summit

Get ready for the digital present of workforce management: Nordic People Analytics Summit
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We are aware that the digital transformation and digital future we talked about is already here. This shift in the way we work implies putting together new processes, new communication methods, new performance and engagement measurements, new reward plans, new crisis situation protocols. All these new methods rely on data, advanced analytics and AI. The switch is challenging, but it’s easier if there’s someone to show you the way. In an ongoing pandemic world crisis, when companies feel the urgency for coordinated crisis management strategy and accelerated decision-making, the Nordic People Analytics Summit offers a platform where we’ll address some burning questions that HR teams must answer.

This week on September 16th and 17th, some of the leading experts in HR and People Analytics will share and discuss how to harness data, advanced analytics and AI to maximise data-driven decision making in HR as well as boost the HR impact to the organisational bottom line. What’s more important, the speakers will address the importance of people data and how HR teams can leverage it to formulate an effective crisis response strategy, and improve employee performance and talent acquisition in the current times of hardship and future times of transformation. 

These are some of the topics that will be discussed in the second edition of the Nordic People Analytics Summit:

Leveraging data and people analytics to manage the pandemic crisis

COVID-19 posed unimaginable challenges to HR. So, it’s great to hear how some of the most innovative companies are tackling these challenges with the help of people analytics.

Tom Ricks, Senior Director, People Systems and Analytics at Qlik will present how they have taken an Analytics solution designed for mapping Employee locations and evolved it to deliver so much more value to their business, especially in decisions being made in the current COVID-19 pandemic, in his session Using People Analytics to manage through a crisis.

Tom Ricks, Senior Director, People Systems and Analytics at Qlik speaking at the Nordic People Analytics Summit 2020

Later on, you will hear Gerrit Schimmelpenninck, Senior Talent Intelligence Manager at Philips who will talk about Talent Intelligence in uncertain times. Gerrit will narrate an application of TI in times of massive work from home and the future of office use as well as location strategy. He will also highlight why it’s important to keep the human touch in automated applications that deal with humans. Gerrit emphasizes that “in times of opportunity, [you should] have the best knowledge position!”

Gerrit Schimmelpenninck, Senior Talent Intelligence Manager at Philips speaking at the Nordic People Analytics Summit 2020

If prior to the pandemic people analytics was still a matter of discussion and not an investment priority, now we are certain that it’s an absolute must. Søren Kold, Head of People Analytics at GRUNDFOS, will relate How COVID-19 framed the need for speed in People Analytics. 

Søren is bringing his rich experience within the field of People Analytics. He’s also a true believer in bringing HR to the centre of decision making through fact-based and business-focused People Analytics – which is essential for the current pandemic situation.

Søren Kold, Head of People Analytics at GRUNDFOS speaking at the Nordic People Analytics Summit 2020

David Shontz, Global Head of Workforce Analytics & Organization Management at Nokia, will provide first-hand insights into Combining Data and Analytics to Help Companies Navigate through the Pandemic. David’s talk will bring to light how Nokia quickly brought multiple functions and data sources together to help leaders answer many questions arising from the COVID-19 crisis. You’ll also get the inside scoop of creative views provided to Company leadership needed for assessment, planning and decision-making during the pandemic.

David Shontz, Global Head of Workforce Analytics & Organization Management at Nokia speaking at the Nordic People Analytics Summit 2020

How to drive impact and value through people analytics and transform your business

Of course, the final goal of implementing people analytics is to bring value to the whole organisation and impact business performance. However, when you are in the early stages of putting all the pieces together for your people analytics function, the end game might seem a bit far-fetched.

Oliver Kasper, Head of Corporate People Analytics, Portfolio Strategy & Digital HR at Daniel Swarovski Corporation, will demonstrate to us How to build up People Analytics with business impact in a global organization. Working at Daniel Swarovski Corporation that employs around 35,000 employees all over the world, Oliver Kasper will show you what are the main steps in setting up a people analytics function and the dos and don’t to generate high business impact.

Oliver Kasper, Head of Corporate People Analytics, Portfolio Strategy & Digital HR at Daniel Swarovski Corporation

Oliver will also provide examples of what a People Analytics strategy looks like, the key stakeholders to influence and explain why People Analytics needs to focus on business impact with predictive methodologies and not HR impact with reporting.

Mark Howarth, Global Head of People & Culture Analytics at Philip Morris International, will talk through how he has built a People Analytics function and in particular an Employee Listening program to help business leaders listen to the aggregated sentiment of the organisation and pinpoint where to take action, to help drive this transformation, through the team’s use of technology and people analytics, in his session Establishing an Employee Listening program to help drive PMI’s Transformation.

Mark Howarth, Global Head of People & Culture Analytics at Philip Morris International

Mark’s Listening program is part of one of Philip Morris International’s largest business transformations of any international company. The core to success is changing the internal culture, organisation and ways of working. One of the success factors in their transformation has been directly linking the People Analytics strategy and Operating Model to PMI’s strategy and Transformation.

Karin Inga Timcke, Manager Rewards & Analytics & Joël Outry, Manager Global Performance & Analytics, Business Intelligence at Swissport International, are presenting the subject HR-Analytics as a holistic cross-functional approach to add value in a people-driven business. Karin and Joël will explain in detail how they successfully implemented HR-Analytics in a global 70’000 company from scratch.

Karin Inga Timcke, Manager Rewards & Analytics & Joël Outry, Manager Global Performance & Analytics, Business Intelligence at Swissport International

Case studies on creating high performing organisations, driving successful business strategy using HR and people analytics at the Nordic People Analytics Summit

Modern organisations have the power of people data and advanced analytics to find out the drivers of performance and use them to drive behavioural change in the enterprise and influence the overall business strategy. 

Stefan Sander Grods, Project Manager at Danske Bank, will provide concrete insights to how your organisation can create a higher-performing organisation by delivering data-driven performance insights to teams to improve team dynamics, trust and ensuring higher customer-centricity. Stefan’s session is based on the empirical approach used globally across Danske Bank.

Stefan Sander Grods, Project Manager at Danske Bank

Representing the global beauty company Coty, Himanshu Saxena, HR Director – Northern Europe at Coty, will showcase how HR analytics played a huge role in driving business strategy and influenced overall strategy, capability plans, compensation plans and overall culture to enable this change and achieve its goals in a fast-transforming business moving online from traditional channels.

Himanshu Saxena, HR Director – Northern Europe at Coty speaking at the Nordic People Analytics Summit 2020

We’ll also learn how to enable Making people analytics matter through the session of Uma Ranganathan, Senior HR Leader at Equinor. Uma’s inspirational topic will motivate us to strengthen the impact of the people analytics function on business goals and driving real business value.

Uma Ranganathan, Senior HR Leader at Equinor

With her extensive experience as an international HR business leader with passion and building high performing teams, developing transformational leaders and driving organisational change, Uma will relate helpful guidance for establishing people analytics as a strategic function in the organisation.

How to scale your people analytics practice, make it matter and get more understanding of your talent at the Nordic People Analytics Summit

In the wake of all the data available in the enterprise and collected in systems, companies are still struggling to get useful insights that would inform strategic actions.

As data-driven workforce decisions become more critical to every organisation’s success, HR and people analytics leaders are being challenged to provide better insights and more strategic recommendations to executives and managers. Rising to this challenge is proving difficult as a result of the data-related challenges faced by HR teams: prioritisation, data literacy, and scalability.

Richard Doherty, Senior Director Solution Marketing at Workday, will explore how augmented analytics helps People Analytics teams overcome these challenges and deliver the insight needed by business. He will also introduce the theory behind augmented analytics and set forth the key challenges faced when scaling up a People Analytics practice.

Richard Doherty, Senior Director Solution Marketing at Workday speaking at the Nordic People Analytics Summit 2020

Talking about insights, of the crucial one is the cost of employee attrition. Every company should have a clear idea of how much it costs them when an employee leaves, is retired or let off.

Louise Kragh, Rewards & Analytics Specialist, People Analytics at Trustpilot will touch upon this exact subject in her session The True Cost of Employee Attrition. She will present a motivating case study about how a Cost of Attrition Analysis helped convince conservative and highly revenue-driven parts of the Executive Leadership Team, that the people agenda has a significant influence on achieving ambitious growth and cost targets.

Louise Kragh, Rewards & Analytics Specialist, People Analytics at Trustpilot speaking at the Nordic People Analytics Summit 2020

Providing real-life examples from her own experience, Laurien Adriaenssens, Data Scientist at Royal Dutch Shell, will show us how to Get the best from your people: Data-driven approach in talent management. Laurien Adriaenssens is a Data Scientist working in the HR Analytics team at Shell, based in The Hague. She brings data-driven insight to the HR-space, focusing on Talent and Leadership Development.

Laurien Adriaenssens, Data Scientist at Royal Dutch Shell

The future of HR enabled by Machine Learning and AI

And last, but certainly not least, Dr. Raul V. Rodriguez, Dean at Woxsen School of Business, Woxsen University, will outline the plethora of advantages that Artificial Intelligence can bring to transform HR Departments and will identify the key areas where algorithms play a vital role, in his talk Future of HR from 2020: Machine Learning.

Dr. Raul V. Rodriguez, Dean at Woxsen School of Business, Woxsen University speaking at the Nordic People Analytics Summit 2020

Dr. Raul will also present the internal implementation of AI with the current employees highlighting the areas of training & development, retention, and benefits; and portray a not-so-distant reality of HR where our morals and ethics will be questioned in relation to the larger company’s goal.

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