
Shared Everything, Low-cost NVMe All-flash Data Platform: Built for Next Generation AI – Jason Hammons, VAST Data

Session Outline

VAST Data ushers in the next generation of GPU accelerated datacentres with a new Data Platform that allows engineers and developers to scale their code to Exabyte scale, at the cost of an archive, and the simplicity of a consumer device.

Key Takeaways:

  • Scale massively parallel, machine driven code at Exabyte scale with HPC performance @ half the cost of Public cloud.
  • Eliminate data copies and share data between legacy and cloud native applications
  • Scale Data Science and Deep Learning without unpredictable cloud costs (transfer, egress, and API fees)
  • Lower energy costs by 80% whilst accelerating query times by 100x.
  • Learn how customers are building next gen datacentres with NVIDIA + VAST

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