
Harnessing the Power of Modern Data Stack – Seyan Thurairajah, Fivetran

Session Outline

Organizations are faced with challenges to extract data at higher frequencies from their operational data sources but with lower impact. These disparate data then needs to be transformed and consolidated into a single coherent data store resulting in better business decisions, increased operational efficiencies, and improved customer experiences. Come join Seyan Thurairajah from Fivetran in his session at the Data Innovation Summit 2023! In his session, Seyan provides an overview of how Modern Data Stack architecture can effortlessly centralize all the data, so your team can deliver better insights, faster.

Key Takeaways:

  • Analytics & Data Engineering teams are often spending too much time building and fixing broken data pipeline
  • The new concept of “Modern Data Stack” allows your data team to focus on value-add activities
  • It is your job to shift paradigm towards the MDS

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