
Social Network of Machines for Asset Health Care and Support – Diego Galar, Luleå University of Technology


People are interconnected, and so their health is interconnected. It is proven that for humans having a more diverse social network is associated with better health outcomes such as greater immunity to infectious disease . The perceived availability of social support, has direct effects on health and buffers negative effects. The project aims for development of assets instrumented, interconnects and intelligent which will act autonomously in order to optimize industrial processes preserving asset integrity following behavior models inspired by human social networks.

Key Takeaways

  • Maintenace becomes dynamic through machine machine learning since humans contribute but do not dictate maintenance policies
  • Changing environment enhance asset health preservation and more resilient and long lasting assets
  • Machines learn from others to take better care of them since generated data is understood and processed by other machines
  • O&M is performed and optimized by the machines in a non human centric approach
  • Better industrial processes through optimized O&M by the means of machine-machine interaction

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