
Empower your Employees and Make Governance & Data Democratization Go Hand in Hand – Rune Bendix Wiitchen, Devoteam & Sofie Vejlby Kaas Hansen, Novozymes

Session Outline

In this talk at the Data Innovation Summit 2023, Devoteam presents the concept of data democratization. Through a customer case of the “Citizen Data Platform” (CDP), as implemented at Novozymes A/S. The CDP is currently handling more than 500 users divided into 30 projects. Providing the functionality to extract, load, transform, analyse and present data using a standardized set of tools, with supported integrations towards corporate wide source applications.

When designing the CDP, a central design guideline have been to allow for self-service analytics, so the CDP-team could focus on innovating and adding features to the platform. The users, projects and governance are all deployed from a centrally approved and governed template. And some project permissons delegate to admins within each project to manage.

This enables and encourages employees to collaborate using data insights, and share important insights with relevant co-workers. In Novozymes, the CDP is a successful implementation of data democratization. Helped along with a suite of automated processes for operating and managing it.

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