Based on 15 years applied AI sharing experience share experience and lesson learnt from applied AI projects, from startups to EU projects with 40 MSEK budget. Examples from business, retail, industry and healthcare. Key...
Category - Nordic Data Science and Machine Learning Summit 2019
Pitfalls of Emotion Detection in Production – Justin Shenk, Peltarion
Lessons learned with solving facial expression recognition use cases at Intel and with a European consultancy. Introduction of deep neural network model training and tooling. Overview of deployment infrastructure and...
Building in-house recommendation engines – Celine Xu, Axel Johnson
Provide the insights about the important elements need to be considered for building an in-house recommendation system. How could maximize the usage of in-house reco engine. General introduction/summary about major...
Data Science in scale at Unity Ads Network – Amin Sorkhei, Unity Technologies
In this session we are planning to discuss how data science is being done at Unity Technologies from scratch to production. We will also discuss how we use TensorFlow in order to mitigate some challenges and what we...
Cumbersome Task: Data Science in the Old Industry – Katharina Glass, Aurubis AG
Old industry, like metallurgy and mining, are not the typical examples of successful digital transformation because the related business models are extremely stable, even in the era of hyper-innovation. At least this is...
Lessons learnt from 3 generations Real-time Big Data platforms – Anders Bresell, Telenor Connexion
At Telenor Connexion we pilot our first big data platform back in 2014. In 2015 our first generation platform when into production, and it was a huge success with impressive ROI. Since then we expanded the use cases and...
Deep Learning for enhancement of earth observational data – Hjalte V. Kiefer, Vestas Wind Systems
The renewable energy industry has only recently started to rely on data-driven models on applications that have traditionally required complex physical solutions. In this talk, we would like to show how we leverage from...