
Ignite Talk | Driving the transformation of Volvo Group from an Automotive Product company to a Data led Service company – Stijn Roelens, Volvo Trucks & Siddharth Rajagopal, Informatica


Session Outline

Volvo Group’s Business Strategy to transform into a Service led company with Data as a Strategic Asset. Whether this is to reduce Carbon footprint, enable predictive maintenance on trucks & buses with Vehicle Analytics or Optimizing the current supply chain process – a radical change and shift in Data Strategy & implementation was required. This involves a huge data led transformation to modernize, scale in terms of Data Culture and leverage the power of Cloud First platforms. This session talks about the journey from a Data & Data Management perspective and how it has helped shape and transform Volvo Group towards its Business transformation supported by the breadth and depth of Informatica’s Data Management Cloud platform.

Key Takeaways

– How Data & Business Intelligence is underpinning Volvo’s business transformation into being a services led organisation

– How a move to cloud and change in data strategy has re-directed Volvo Group on their path towards this Business transformation

– How a Cloud First, Integrated, Scalable & Automated Data Platform has powered, supported & accelerated the journey so far

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